How to increase your independence for those with disabilities
It’s not always easy to live with a disability, but there are often ways that you can boost your independence and enjoy a richer, more varied life with ready support.
The challenge with disabilities is that they can significantly increase your dependence on others and make it far less simple to enjoy everyday life tasks. But these techniques, equipment and outlooks can all help to grow your independence and give you more personal freedom.
1. Look for disability groups near me
A disability group can be a great way to meet other people in similar situations and to learn about days out, skills classes, hobby sessions, and other interesting attractions that are geared to meet the needs of local people with disabilities. Many of these groups are supported by charity funding or public funding and are very affordable and they will meet at accessible locations.

living situations and increase your independence
You may also find that some ‘regular’ community groups are ready to welcome you. For example, allotment and gardening groups may be accessible and church groups are welcoming and often a good gateway to other activities.
2. Consider volunteering
Often, people with disabilities can contribute strongly towards a non-profit, group, local cause or initiative, and the right mindset – and a little determination – can find you a volunteering role geared around your needs. Volunteering offers so many benefits, including a sense of purpose, community, the chance to develop new skills and a feeling of being usefully and productively occupied. Find out more online by clicking here.
3. Adopt the 1% mentality
Working towards greater independence can feel like a huge feat when you have a disability. But if you simply aim to do 1% more towards your goal each day, you will find that you can achieve powerful and sustainable gains that really add up over time. This is a mindset shift for many people, but you’ll be amazed at how much you can achieve.
4. Build your support network
Many disabled people are surprised to discover just how much support and companionship there can be locally for people with disabilities. Build a network by thinking broadly, and remember that ‘community’ can be as simple as a morning chat over a garden fence! Nurture relationships with neighbours, friends, and people you see out and about. You could even consider making new friends online in chat groups. Challenge yourself to smile and say hello and you’ll be surprised at how far this can take you!
5. Consider independent living
There are many excellent services for independent accommodation, including supported services that aid independent living for adults with learning disabilities and for those with physical disabilities. Look at the options available to you, so that you can get the help that you need with daily tasks and then free up your time – and build confidence – to learn new skills, develop interests, socialise and look after your health.
6. Embrace technology
Tablets, smartphones, wearables, headphones, laptops… these can all help you to foster connections, access entertainment, learn new things, volunteer or even have a job! Look at your local library or college for IT access courses if digital skills are a new area for you. Even basic online and digital skills can open up a world of new possibilities.

7. Focus on your health
When you’re living with a disability, it’s important to look after your health and to focus on your positive mindset. On a bad day, for example, it’s natural to feel down – but mental health issues can creep up if you feel demotivated or unsupported on a daily basis.
Look for ways to improve your health, such as getting out for a walk in natural daylight, eating a balanced diet, and maybe doing a form of exercise such as swimming or yoga that is possible for you. Again, this is a great way to meet new people and you will feel so much better for investing in your own health and well-being.
8. Get creative
People with all kinds of disabilities can enjoy a creative life, so ask your network about supported art and crafts sessions near to you. If there aren’t any, could you initiate these classes or find a volunteer to facilitate them?

Basic materials are often enough to get a painting session on the go and creative, unstructured time is wonderful for releasing your energy, getting into the flow, relaxing, and discovering talents that you might not have realised you had.