Looking to renew your policy? Click here for instructions

Contact Phone Numbers

If you need to talk to us about something specific,
please contact us on the relevant number below:

Scooter Breakdown (Mobility Extra Policyholders)

Cover starting before 01.09.23
call 0333 331 3939

Cover starting on or after 01.09.23

call 0333 331 3791

Motor Breakdown

Cover starting before 01.09.23
call 0333 331 3938

Cover starting on or after 01.09.23

call 0333 331 3868

Motor Claims
0333 331 3960

Employer Claims
0333 331 3840

Mobility Scooter Claims
0333 331 3840

Carer & Personal Assistant Claims
0333 331 3840

Care Protect, Healthcare Protect or Employee Protect
0333 331 3990

All Other Enquiries
0333 331 3770

Opening Hours

Monday-Friday 9:00am-5:30pm

Office Details

Contact Address
First Floor
Longridge Road,

Contact Us
0333 331 3770

Enquiry Email
[email protected]

Financial Difficulties

If you are experiencing financial difficulties and are considering amending or cancelling your insurance policy(ies) with us and/or you may have difficulty with future premium payments, please contact us on 0333 331 3770 so we can discuss the situation with you and see what we may be able to do to help.  Please get in touch before cancelling any payments or direct debits through your bank as this can affect your policy with us and may affect your credit rating and your ability to borrow money.

You can find more impartial advice online with https://www.moneyhelper.org.uk/en  and the https://www.citizensadvice.org/ 

Get in touch with Fish Insurance

If you don’t wish to call us, you can alternatively fill in the form below and drop us an email.

You are using this form to submit your details to us. The data you provide will be retained to provide you with details of our insurance services. If at any time you want your data removed from our systems, please let us know.

Our privacy notice lets you know how we use your data and how to request removal.

Our Office

Citygate, Longridge Road, Preston, Lancashire PR2 5BQ1